Flourish Committee

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The Flourish Committee is responsible for coordinating and planning the annual Flourish! conference held at the University of Illinois at Chicago.  This year will be the seventh year for Flourish!


The goal of the Flourish Conference is to promote the use and adoption of Free Libre Open Source Software (FLOSS) by demonstrating the practical applications of FLOSS in the business and academic world. While everyone is familiar with businesses that focus on creating non-free proprietary software, the same cannot be said for those who specialize in developing and supporting FLOSS software and Open Culture. Attendees of Flourish have an opportunity to see how using, creating and supporting FLOSS software can enhance their careers, businesses and academic aspirations.

Committee Board

The Flourish! 2019 Committee head will be TBA.

The event will be lead under the Linux Users Group(LUG) this year.

Members & Meetings

We are currently looking for committee members to bring ideas, speakers, sponsors, organizations, and much more! We are looking for committee members from all walks of life (not necessarily centered around computer science).

If any of this sounds interesting, please come to our next Flourish! 2019 planning meeting during Linux Users Group meetings in SELE 2264(950 S. Halsted Street). Please reference the ACM calendar to see when the next meeting is.


Please direct any questions, comments, and/or concerns to at volunteer@flourishconf.com .

You may also take a look at the Flourish! conference website for more information: http://www.flourishconf.com/